
The smooth and well balanced gin is produced on the Swedish island of Gotland. The spirit of windy Gotland has inspired the design of the bottle as well as the gin itself. Most of the botanicals are wild-growing or cultivated on the island for example as Juniper, Breckland thyme, Rosemary, Sweet wood ruff, Horseradish and Bladderwrack. The Bladder wrack adds a subtle costal note and a hinch of saltiness. Blood orange has been added for balance and fruitiness. Served with high quality neutral Tonic, or sipped neat. Garnish: Rosemary and orange zest. Tonics: Fever Tree Mediterranean Tonic Water, Roslags Tonic Water. For Premium serving: Radish and Rock Samphire and finish with a shower of orange zest (just the oil from the orange peel)

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Sweden

Company: Gotlands Ginfabrik

Distiller: Gotlands Ginfabrik

Alcohol Percentage: 42.1%

Gins by Gotlands Ginfabrik

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