
We call it a smooth and perfectly balanced gin. Sought after by countless for its ability to create out-of-this-world-Gin-&-Tonics. Ginscape London Dry has its fresh and balanced citrus notes from Danish sea buckthorn berries, pushing aside the dominating taste of juniper making it different from any other gin you know. And it’s got a little secret. As soon as it meets up with a slice of twisted fresh organic lemon peel in a glass with lots of ice cubes and tonic, it simply can’t control itself. It tastes uncontrollably good. So good, that you will defin-itely consider having one more. Ginscape London Dry has it all, and the delicate freshness from the ripe Danish sea buckthorn berries lasts long after the glass is emptied, and you are thinking of having one more. In other words, a welcoming light gin that deserves to be enjoyed.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Denmark

Company: Scape Spirits

Distiller: --

Alcohol Percentage: 43.7%

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