
Premium tonic water with natural taste of Garda Lemons The introduction of Tonica Superfine Tassoni con Limoni del Garda not only regales a premium tonic water aromatized with Garda Lemons, but also provides an extraordinary example of how an agricultural heritage, such as that of the Lake Garda area, may be recovered and valorised. Ideal for mixing cocktails for the joy of the most discerning palates, Tonica Superfine Tassoni has a list of ingredients that is short and sweet, without any added artificial aromas or preservatives. It is made up of demineralized water, carbon dioxide, citric acid, sugar, natural extract of Yellow Chincona and natural aromas, comprising that of natural lemon. The main ingredient, which makes it so unique, is extracted naturally from the bark of the Yellow Chincona of Madagascar, and confers a note that is bitter, intense and clean-tasting, along with slight nuances of straw yellow. A final addition is that of an alcoholate, which is obtained from the peel of lemons grown in monumental greenhouses on the northern shores of Lake Garda since the early XV century. Translated by Google

Product Details

Country of Origin: Italy

Company: Cedral Tassoni S.p.A

Distiller: --

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