
The Beara Pink Ocean Gin was originally launched in February 2018 for Valentine's Day in a limited edition. However, due to its continued popularity, we decided to include it permanently in our product range. We use the same botanicals in the production of our Pink Gin as in the Beara Ocean Gin, our flagship. Rose water and cranberries are also added to the pink gin, which provides a floral taste and a light, fruity tartness. To prepare the gin ideally, mix it with Fever-Tree Aromatic Tonic and serve it in a copa glass over ice, garnished with a grapefruit teat. Nose: strong nose of thyme, mediterranean floralness, fruity-sweet Palate: sweet tartness, soft on the palate, green coriander leaves, a hint of hey, it’s the spicy alternative to the Ocean Gin Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Ireland

Company: Beara Distillery

Distiller: Beara Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 42.2%

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