
The word Slingshot evokes thoughts of David and Goliath, while on the shores of Lough Ree we think of the demise of the legendary Queen Maeve, by a Slingshot from the Longford shore as she bathed at Inchcleraun. Both acts involved dedication, skill and a measure of confidence. Similarly, our aim is true – to create the finest spirits and bring them to the world, from our home town of Lanesborough. Sling Shot Gin marries classic botanicals with citrus, fresh mint and local peat, in a modern twist, creating a bold and fresh contemporary gin. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Ireland

Company: Lough Ree Distillery

Distiller: Lough Ree Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 41.7%

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