
Banks and Solander Endeavour Gin is an oak-matured gin with a unique flavor profile. Our Signature Gin distilled with multiple orange varietals and aged on toasted American oak for over a month. Aromatic notes of orange marmalade and juniper lead to a bold, spicy palate with heavy juniper and vanilla sweetness. The extra-long finish is characterized by caramel, oak, and a hint of bitter orange. Perfect with any classic gin cocktail or as a substitute for rye whiskey in whiskey cocktails. Perfect Serve: Endeavour Gin with Long Rays Dark Soda and Orange Peel Garnish

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Reserve Gin / Barrel Aged Gin

Country of Origin: Australia

Company: Banks & Solander Distillery

Distiller: Banks & Solander Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 48%

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