
To satisfy the adventurous spirit one does not always need to travel exotic and faraway places, it is possible to discover and enjoy nature closer to home. Get kitted out for a good hike and prepare to go a few kilometers cross country. Walking, perhaps among pine trees, near the sea, filling your lungs with a fresh, gentle breeze, feeling the embrace of the sun and inhaling the delicious aroma of Mediterranean vegetation: gorse, rosemary, thyme, pine… Why not turn this into a gin? Why not bottle the aroma and flavour of the Costa Brava? This is the secret of our 100 & NOMORE Brava. Enjoy it! Perfect Serve: 50 mL Brava, 200 mL fever tree Indian tonic, twist of lemon.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Spain

Company: Harpo Spirits

Distiller: La Destilateca

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

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