
The essential characteristic of this gin is Sichuan pepper, which isn’t really a pepper, but the berries of a tree that grows in the mountainous areas of the province of Sichuan, in south central China. It made its way to Europe thanks to the spice trade, one of mankind’s most incredible and momentous adventures, leading to the discovery of America as a result of trying to find a more direct way to reach the ports of Asia without having to round the Cape of Good Hope. Sichuan pepper, fragrant and citrusy with a hint of bergamot, is the source of the extraordinary tingling sensation that characterizes our 100 & NOMORE Sichuan gin, making it unique. Enjoy it! Perfect Serve: 50 mL Sichuan, 200 mL fever tree Indian tonic, twist of lemon.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Spain

Company: Harpo Spirits

Distiller: La Destilateca

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

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