
The limited edition Cotswolds Cloudy Christmas Gin is a festive take on the classic Cotswolds Dry Gin. With nine carefully selected botanicals, including sweet, zesty clementine and cardamom, this is a traditional gin with juniper and a touch of Christmas magic. Tasting Notes: Nose: Strong citrus fruits, led by the Christmas aroma of the clementine. Taste: Clean, pine-juniper spices with fresh citrus-grapefruit. Rich and velvety smooth. Finish: A long, persistent finish of juniper, cardamom and Cotswold lavender. Botanicals: juniper, angelica, grapefruit, clementine, lavender, cardamom, black pepper, bay leaf and coriander Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company: The Cotswolds Distillery

Distiller: The Cotswolds Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 46.0%

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