
The Cotswolds 1616 Barrel-Aged Gin is a barrel-aged gin and is distilled in a copper still and combined with juniper, coriander, nutmeg, orange peel and other botanicals. The result is an exceptionally delicious spirit with notes of freshly baked fruit bread, dark chocolate chips and vanilla. Flavors: Nose: Freshly baked fruit bread with spiced dark fruits and a hint of candied peel, dark chocolate chips and vanilla. Palate: Luxurious and warming. Citrus notes at the beginning, then a hint of chocolate and a hint of marble rye bread. This is followed by dark, wine-like fruit notes and a gentle lift of cedar and oak. Finish: dry, with notes of juniper and a number of complex, spicy notes: a combination of baking spices and deeper, peppery, menthol-like notes that last a few minutes after drinking. Botanicals: juniper, coriander, angelica, orange peel, cassia, nutmeg and allspice Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Reserve Gin / Barrel Aged Gin

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company: The Cotswolds Distillery

Distiller: The Cotswolds Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 46.0%

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