
Expressive, balanced Navy Strength Gin. This classic Navy Strength Gin was first produced for the British Navy in 1863 and shows its meaningful, balanced and brave side. Hayman‘s adheres to an old family recipe to create this hearty gin with intense, fresh citrus notes, juniper and coriander. Tasting Notes: Smell: Intense juniper notes, coriander and piquant citrus fruit, with a floral undertone. Taste: Lively and expressive, hearty with citrus fruits and peppery coriander. The finish reveals a long-lasting, peppery spice and aromatic juniper notes. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Navy Strength Gin

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company: Hayman's Distillery

Distiller: Hayman's Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 57.0%

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