
JINPERO Superior Dry Gin (Unfiltered), a luxurious Swiss London Dry Gin designed and produced in the heart of Switzerland. The complex bouquet composed by 17 carefully selected botanicals with its silky and warm heart and the distinctive and spicy sensation to the end will let you remember it for a long time. The duo behind JINPERO José a Julian connects a deep friendship, the attention to the detail and the passion for elegant and luxurious design as a love for exquisite tastes. This is what underlies JINPERO Superior Dry Gin. For connoisseurs JINPERO Superior Dry Gin connects the luxury of time, the glamour of friendship, the elegance of simplicity and the intensity of a suave taste, the four pillars of JINPERO. The ultimate luxury is your time. The time you spend with your nearest and friends. Weather you wallow in memories with your best friend or celebrate the success of your recent business or simply offer your customer a glass of gin, in such moment only the best is good enough. The promise you make when you reach a glass JINPERO Superior Dry Gin is clear and warm. Botanicals: Juniper, coriander, orange peel, Lemon peel, cardamom, angelica, liquorice, dog rose, lime blossom, peppers, rosemary, lemongrass, ginger, verbena.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Switzerland

Company: convides AG

Distiller: convides AG

Alcohol Percentage: 46%

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