
Silent Pool Distillers Colorado High CBD Gin Recipes

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Silent Pool Distillers Colorado High CBD Gin
+ The London Essence Original Indian Tonic Water + Grapefruit
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Silent Pool Distillers Colorado High CBD Gin
+ Fever-Tree Premium Indian Tonic Water + Grapefruit

The premium quality CBD oil that Silent Pool use is amongst the world’s best, and is sourced from hemp grown in the clean air and rich, fertile soil of the Rockies in Colorado, USA. The altitude in Colorado is about a mile higher than sea level, which is why the state's capital Denver, has earned the moniker the Mile High City. This altitude combined with the sunny climate and water from the mountains, creates the perfect growing conditions for Hemp which is why it is classed as the best in the world! This intriguing gin capitalises on the subtle, bittersweet flavour of CBD, which has citrus notes similar to grapefruit. Its cloudiness is a natural consequence of the high quantity of CBD within it. The result is a CBD gin that is both effective and delicious. It’s the ultimate serve for those moments when you truly want to take things easy. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: United Kingdom

Company: Silent Pool Distillery

Distiller: Silent Pool Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

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