In the year 1658 world renowned Professor Franz de la Boë gently infused a clear grain spirit with hand picked juniper berries while painstakingly searching for a medicinal tonic. Franz de la Boë invented the worlds first GIN!
Boë Scottish Gin is lovingly created in small batches under the watchful eye of the Master Distiller, where rare hand picked botanicals and spices are infused in the finest neutral grain spirit, liberating the full flavours of triple filtered Boë Scottish Gin, creating a high class gin, characteristically citrus with extraordinary balance and smoothness.
To produce a gin with perfect flavour and lasting character, in keeping with the pioneering spirit of Franz de la Boë born 1614 to 1672. His SPIRIT lives on!
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Company: Boë Gin Ltd.
Distiller: Boë Gin Ltd.
Alcohol Percentage: 41.5%