
Prohibition Original was designed as the perfect martini gin. To make life even easier, we’ve pre-made the perfect All-Australian Dry Martini. This award winning gin is combined with a splash of Royal Rogue Lively White Vermouth. Blood oranges with lemon myrtle, grapefruit, elderflower and lavender within this marriage of liquor make for an elevated drinking experience. Best enjoyed poured ice cold into a chilled martini glass with a twist of orange or lemon peel, or olives if you prefer. Botanicals: Juniper, Coriander Seed, Ginger Root, Pink Peppercorns, Blood Orange, Ruby Red Grapefruit, Lemon Myrtle, Green Tea, Vanilla, Lavender elderflower lavender finger lime

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Australia

Company: Prohibition Liquor Co. Pty Ltd

Distiller: Prohibition Liquor Co. Pty Ltd

Alcohol Percentage: 37.0%

Top Rated Gins

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