
44°N is the first gin distilled on the French Riviera, inspired by the perfume mastery of Grasse. Named for the geographic coordinates of Grasse, 44°N’s tasting notes read like a who’s who of local botanicals set to the full spectrum dreamscape of the South of France. The gin encapsulates the exquisite energy and flavour of the French Riviera, where Bitter Orange, Cade, Mimosa, Centifolia and Immortelle are distilled by combining modern gin distilling methods with cutting edge perfume extraction technology.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: France

Company: Comte De Grasse SAS

Distiller: Comte De Grasse SAS

Alcohol Percentage: 44.0%

Gins by Comte De Grasse SAS

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