
The Cape Fynbos Gin Citrus Edition is a custom-made product. The special feature are five different citrus peels that have been soaked in Franschoek mountain spring water for two weeks beforehand. They give the gin additional liveliness. In keeping with the versatility of a total of 33 different botanicals, the bottle also comes in a colorful design. Colorful flowers make them a real eye-catcher. Some people are tempted to enjoy the look. In any case, the bottle should be kept after consumption and deserves a place of honor in the showcase. And because the Cape Fynbos Gin Citrus Edition is so delicious, you will certainly soon be joined by more copies. Botanicals: African Wormwood, Bushman’s Ecstacy, Cancer Bush, Devil’s Claw, Honeybush, honey, pepper, Renosterbos, Wild Dagga, citrus fruit Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: South Africa

Company: The Jolly Rooster Fynbos Distillery

Distiller: The Jolly Rooster Fynbos Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

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