
Santa Ana Gin is a tribute to the inimitable era of the Music Halls of the 1920s in Manile and to its jewel, the legendary santa ana cabaret, considered at the time to be one of the finest in the world. at the heart of the philippine art deco movement of those roaring twenties, the santa ana cabaret was the privileged musical playground for the manilenos. Santa ana gin is distilled in the charente region, in france, in order to benefit from the french expertise to extract four botanicals originating from the philippines: ylang ylang alphina. calamansi, and dalamdan, this combination of exotic ingredients brings delicate floral and oily tropical citrus notes. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: France

Company: Bleeding Heart Rum Company

Distiller: Bleeding Heart Rum Company

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

Gins by Bleeding Heart Rum Company

Top Rated Gins

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