
Ginologist, a gin created to be shared with friends, a gin to enjoy while memories are being made. Scientically formulated to be the perfect drink for any occasion.

Because making Gin is not an art, it’s a science!

Tasting Notes:

Lime, Grapefruit and a hint of lemon combine to create the most delightfully refreshing gin imaginable.

Nose: Clean Citrus notes assail the nose, with lime and grapefruit both clearly distinguishable.

Palte: A purist take on a citrus gin with clean, crisp, citrus flavours taking centre stage in what is an incredibly refreshing taste. Fresh citrus flavours linger on the tongue, with lime and grapefruit once again clearly distinguishable long after the last drop is gone.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: South Africa

Company: Craft Link Distillery

Distiller: Craft Link Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

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