
Two guys from New Zealand who didn't know each other until one married the other's sister and then they did. Sitting in bars and lounges for a year discussing how they always wanted to make their own gin. 

Exactly which botanicals make up the Scapegrace Dry Gin Black Edition remains the secret of its creators. The inventors reveal that there are 12 of them. But the fact that juniper is one of the ingredients cannot be denied because of the taste.

With its wonderfully mild taste, the Scapegrace Dry Gin Black Edition won the gold medal in both London and San Francisco. An absolute gold piece in a black version.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: New Zealand

Company: Rogue Society Distilling Co.

Distiller: Rogue Society Distilling Co.

Alcohol Percentage: 41.6%

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