
The first Barossa Gin. Juniper, South Australian orange, and toasted Oak combine to produce a smooth, well-balanced Gin with a generous mouthfeel. Botanicals: Fresh picked citrus, Juniper - undaunted, French Oak lifts and cradles, Spiced Ginger Nut, Floral - white flowers - petunia, daisy, jasmine. Taste: Sweet creamy line from front to back, Citrus grips and focusses, French Oak forms the framework that the gin is built upon, slight salinity and savoury notes on finish leave you salivating. Perfect Serve: Fever-Tree Mediterranean Tonic + Dehydrated Orange.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Australia

Company: Barossa Distilling Company

Distiller: Barossa Distilling Company

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

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