
Together with the rise of Copperhead gin came the growth of bartending. In 2018 world-renowned bartender Marian Beke, owner of the Gibson bar in London, created Copperhead the Gibson Edition. Inspired by the classic cocktail Gibson Martini this edition is a unique savoury style of gin, thanks to the immense flavour palette. Added to the original 5 Copperhead botanicals are not less than 13 carefully selected spices traditionally used in pickling. These ingredients, among which are mace, pepper, cassia, bay leaf, ginger, allspice, fennel and dill seeds are joined by just a touch of eight-year-old Genever to complete this smooth and complex taste. The Gibson Edition can be used to add a pickled twist to cocktails or can be enjoyed with premium tonic water as your new favourite Gin & Tonic. Add a pickled garnish to finish it off.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: Copperhead NV

Distiller: Filliers Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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