
ALCOHOL FREE ALTERNATIVE | CREATED FOR COCKTAILS FLUÈRE Original bursts with carefully selected botanicals that issue a complex yet balanced taste and ensure a unique after-bite that normally only alcoholic drinks have. Both Juniper and Lime peel give a bright and fresh character to the nose whilst the lavender and coriander add some herbal note’s. WELL BALANCED. Coriander, Juniper, Lavender and Lime peel will give you a complex but well balanced taste. DISTILLED FRESH BOTANICALS. To get the best out of every branch, leaf and berry, all botanicals, spices and fruit are individually distilled through so called hydrosteam distillation. The essential oils derived from the distilling process ensure the premium taste and unique after-bite of any drink made with Fluère. EASY TO MIX. For a FLUÈRE GIMLET you add 60 ml Fluère Original & 20 ml Lime cordial in a mixing glass. Stir it for 10 seconds.Pour into a Nick & Nora glass. Garnish with cherry maraschino on the bottom of a glass without cocktail stick. TRUE DISTILLED SPIRITS | CREATED FOR COCKTAILS

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Zero Alcohol Gin

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Company: Fluère Drinks

Distiller: Fluère Drinks

Alcohol Percentage: 0.0%

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