
Make Movin '. The petrol-colored bottle with the metal faucet stopper is an eye-catcher. The content of the dynamic and straightforward gin "Made in Lechtal / Tirol" is no less spectacular. The development of the Funky Pump recipe, the experiments with the right botanicals, their mixing and processing took over a year, only then did the gin's aroma cogs mesh so that the Funky Pump purrs like clockwork on the palate. Funky Pump is created by Mario Huber - mastermind of the Haussegen distillery. For the London Dry Gin, a total of 15 predominantly local herbs and botanicals are combined in a secret mixing ratio. After the distillation, the Funky Pump Gin rests in glass balloons for several weeks. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Austria

Company: Funky Pump GmbH

Distiller: Funky Pump GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 45.0%

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