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MOS gin is an extraordinary, spicy gin. The concise, spicy pepper note is expanded with cloves, ginger and cardamom and rounded off with the fruit of the baobab tree. 

Baobab, also known as superfruit, serves to bring the three pepper varieties into harmonious harmony and lend the gin a touch of the exotic.

In addition to the prickly pear, blueberry and mango fruits, as well as the "Big 4" of the citrus world, an elegant breeze of fresh lavender flowers has been added to create a gin that will cause a true taste explosion among gin enthusiasts. 

Despite its strength of 50% and its indescribable complexity, the gin is an elegant and unique companion in its pure state. For gin lovers, the MOS gin represents an unexpected addition to their portfolio that some classic varieties might pale beside.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: MOS-Gin - Masters of Spices

Distiller: MOS-Gin - Masters of Spices

Alcohol Percentage: 50.0%

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