
KNUT HANSEN DRY GIN is a modern, Nordic-Hanseatic gin with a recognizable juniper note in the taste and a unique, adventurous design.

For the makers of KNUT HANSEN DRY GIN, producing a sustainable and regional product means using regional ingredients. In addition to the obligatory juniper, apples from the old country are processed, basil and cucumber are grown in a Hamburg greenhouse and the rose blossoms are picked from the Baltic Sea dike. The ceramic bottles of this gin show the face of the seafarer and adventurer Knut Hansen, who not only gave the gin its name, but also embodies the values of KNUT HANSEN DRY GIN with a love of freedom, a thirst for adventure and individuality.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH

Distiller: Hamburg Distilling Company HDC GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 42.0%

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