
At the moment there Jenever is a spirit produced in the Netherlands, Belgium and some areas in northern France (under the name genièvre) and northwestern Germany as (Ostfriesischer) Korngenever. Originally it was malt wine to which extracts from juniper were added. Since the end of the 19th century, jenever usually also contains industrially produced ethanol. In the Netherlands, the gins in which this neutral alcohol forms the main part are called young gin or old gin. Korenwijn is a gin that is mainly based on malt wine. Often corn wine is also aged for some time in wooden barrels. In Belgium, in such a case, one speaks of mature jenever or aged jenever; Genever based on neutral alcohol is simply called genever in Belgium or, in Wallonia, peket. Fired according to the old method. Double striked, contains only natural products and rested in oak barrels. Known for its softness and aromatic fineness. Nice to drink cool and pure, spicy in long no information available. We are already in contact with the producer in order to be able to present you details and pictures shortly Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Genever

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: Rubbens Graanstokerij Distillerie de Grains

Distiller: Rubbens Graanstokerij Distillerie de Grains

Alcohol Percentage: 35.0%

Gins by Rubbens Graanstokerij Distillerie de Grains

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