
A sweet grass, intense and fresh like the lemon itself. And yet more unobtrusive and unmistakable in its flavors. The exotic lemongrass combined with a wide variety of roots, blossoms and nuances of sun-ripened citrus fruits are the botanicals of the new gin generation. The base, a handcrafted juniper blend and a fine vanilla note in the finish. Probably the most refreshing combination in the Glass, consisting of pure elegance and a unique variety of flavors - our Lemongrass Gin. NO LIMITS – PURE TASTE. Perfect Serve: (Suburban Classic): 5 cl Suburbia Lemongrass Gin, 10 cl tonic water (ORGANICS by Red Bull), 1 cl organic lemon juice (freshly squeezed), 1 organic lemon slice, 1 teaspoon cane sugar (optional), 2 mint leaves (optional), Ice cubes. Perfect Serve: (Suburbia Fizz): 5 cl Suburbia Lemongrass Gin, 3 cl organic lemon juice (freshly squeezed), 1 teaspoon cane sugar, 15 cl soda water, 1 slice of organic lemon, 1 sprig of rosemary, Ice cubes.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Austria

Company: Suburbia Spirits OG

Distiller: Suburbia Spirits OG

Alcohol Percentage: 37.5%

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