
Etsu Double Yuzu Gin is distilled at the Akita Distillery, in the Akita prefecture of Japan in the Honshu Island. Akita Prefecture is located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Japan and extends east to the Ōu Mountains, the longest mountain range in Japan. It is these mountains that Etsu Double Yuzu takes its fresh and light aromas from. Etsu Yuzu Gin has been macerated for seven days using traditional botanicals such as Japanese Yuzu, juniper berries, liquorice root, angelica, coriander and matcha. After maceration, only the gin is distilled without the botanicals, which allows the oils to infuse. Only after the distillation process is fresh water added from the mountain source, which gives this gin its fresh taste. Etsu Double Yuzu Gin is fresh with citrus notes, using natural ingredients, giving this gin a unique and light finish. Tasting Notes Appearance: Clear, transparent. Nose: Fresh yuzu and lemon. Palate: yuzu, lemon, very fresh. Finish: Rounded, fresh and supple.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Dry Gin

Country of Origin: France

Company: BBC Spirits

Distiller: BBC Spirits

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

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