
Six Dogs Karoo Gin is a delicate and balanced Gin of twelve select botanicals, distilled and bottled by us at Six Dogs Distillery. Its distinguishing botanicals are grown by us on our farm, which intersects three different bioregions including the Succulent Karoo. It is from here that we gather the Karoo Thorn flower and Wild Lavender that make our Gin unique amongst all the Gins in the world. Sip it and you will pick up the paired notes of Juniper and Wild Lavender that introduce the Karoo. What follows is a fresh medley of citrus including Limes, Mandarins and farm-grown Lemon Buchu. Six Dogs Karoo is best enjoyed as is, over ice and with a good tonic. It needs no garnish!

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: South Africa

Company: Six Dogs Distillery Pty Ltd

Distiller: Six Dogs Distillery Pty Ltd

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

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