
LiquorMaker Abracadabra Gin A magical gin. Here juniper meets lavender and citrus fruits. The gin comes in a classic apothecary bottle with a beautiful design and a cork with a lasered wooden handle. After opening the bottle, the aromas of spicy juniper and fresh lavender fill the air. The blue color of the gin immediately arouses curiosity - and rightly so, adding tonic water turns the gin purple! Juniper and citrus notes dominate on the tongue paired with floral notes of lavender, violet and hibiscus. Not only is it pleasing to the eye, it is just the right gin for long summer evenings in the garden, on the balcony or on the beach. The gin is produced by hand, small batches, based on natural raw materials and with great attention to detail. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: LiquorMacher GmbH

Distiller: LiquorMacher GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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