
Spirit of Hven Organic Navy Strength Gin is a unique distillate created from scratch on the island of Hven in the middle of the Sound. This wonderful drink is several hundred years old, redesigned and further developed to suit new and safe distillation technology, also adapted to modern beverage culture with today's refined taste buds. In the historic British merchant and war fleet in the 18th century, the tradition was that the officers drank Gin and those of lower rank drank Rome. Most of this time was transported in oak barrels because these were found to have good properties. It was important that if the spirit barrels leaked, they must not cause the contents to soak up the gunpowder that could be found in other oak barrels, so this could not be used. It was then concluded that at the measure 100proof (57.1 vol%) the powder could be ignited with the spirit. This was also an easy way to find out if someone "watered" the liquor. This became known as Navy Strength or Over Proof. This also indirectly meant that most of the Navy Strength Gin consumed was stored in oak barrels. Something we rarely see today. With Spirit of Hven Organic Navy Strength Gin, we have recreated the historical character in a completely new and unique way. Translated by Google Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Navy Strength Gin

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: Spirit of Hven Distillery

Distiller: Spirit of Hven Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 57.1%

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