
Momotaro Gin is a tribute to the Japanese legend of Momotaro: a young brave man born of a peach to a childless couple, who travels the world with his three animal companions and protects them from monsters. Inspired by this traditional saga, hand-picked botanicals such as momo peach, yuzu lemon, sakura cherry blossom and sencha tea are distilled in the best craft manner for the Momotaro Gin. During production, particular emphasis is placed on a particularly slow and gentle maceration and distillation in order to give the selected botanicals the time they really need to develop their full aroma. The taste of Momotaro Gin is therefore convincing with a particularly elegant citrus note, which is perfectly ensnared by the Momo peach. A fruity, fresh journey to the Far East that is particularly convincing in a gin and tonic or in unusual cocktail creations.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Destille Kaltenthaler GmbH

Distiller: Destille Kaltenthaler GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 42.0%

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