
The Sir Chill Gin is a New Western Dry Gin that initially melts softly on the tongue before then developing a composition of intense aromas. 6 botanicals are the main components of the gin: juniper, coriander, tangerine from Brazil, ground almonds from Africa, bourbon vanilla from India and, to top it off, the aromatic extract of the tobacco plant. First the sweet aromas of vanilla, tangerine and almond are noticeable on the tongue, then the harsher botanicals, juniper and coriander have their big appearance and finally the subtle taste of the tobacco plant spreads.

Sir Chill Gin is the ideal gin for a relaxing evening with a very special touch.

Of course, without the addition of colors or flavors and exclusively made by hand. Because you can taste it.


Vanilla sweet, aromatic almond. Subtle tobacco note, soft finish


Intense vanilla, bittersweet

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: B.E.S.T Creators BVB

Distiller: B.E.S.T Creators BVB

Alcohol Percentage: 37.5%

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