
Bus No.101 Emerald Export Gin is your gin, for household needs, from Buss Spirits in Belgium. Here, Serge Buss has developed a gin with a focus on the fresh and fruity expression. Bus No.101 is created based on a lot of fresh citrus fruit, and has clear shades of both lemon, lime and grapefruit. Like the other gins from Buss Spirits, this is a so-called distilled gin, ie a gin where all the ingredients are first distilled separately, and then finally distilled together. Bus No.101 Emerald Export Gin is created to be the gin that you can always take out of the closet, knowing that it delivers joy and good taste. Whether used in a classic Gin & Tonic, Gin Lemon, or for cocktails, it delivers freshness and lots of fruit.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: Buss Spirits BVBA Plan-B International

Distiller: Buss Spirits BVBA Plan-B International

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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