
The Organic Premium Gin from Belgium - without additives and with 0% sugar - impresses with a fantastic herbal note and floral freshness. As the perfect introduction to summer, the gin brings the light, lively feeling of the melodic sounds of Lost Frequencies to every front yard, balcony and bar! The ingredients read like the lyrical / poetic words of your song lyrics. The name Ocus, which is derived from the term “Crocus”, is just as artistic as that. The notes of ginger, coriander, lemon peel, lavender flowers, cloves and cinnamon give the gin a gentle taste accompanied by a pleasantly spicy bouquet of floral freshness. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Belgium

Company: TheSponsorship Brandmarketing UG

Distiller: Brouwerij & Distilleerderij Wilderen

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

Gins by TheSponsorship Brandmarketing UG

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