
The Pink Lady recollects the fun-filled 20’s flapper and the languid sunsets over the Atlantic. The addition of a plump strawberry rekindles a Cape summer anywhere, anytime. Cape Town The Pink Lady Gin is a delightful gin, infused with Rose Geranium (Pelargonium), an indigenous multi-branched shrub. The Pink Lady Gin is named after a famous Cape Town landmark, The Mount Nelson Hotel, known as "The Pink Lady" due to its salmon coloured exterior walls. A heavenly hint of Rose water is added to compliment the natural rose scent of the geranium plant.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: South Africa

Company: Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company

Distiller: Cape Town Gin & Spirits Company

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

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