
Maxi Milian Gin is an artisanal distilled gin. The production starts from a base of high quality Italian grain alcohol, distilled three times with continuous distillation to allow optimal alcohol rectification. The three main botanicals of the base are infused into the alcohol: Juniper, Angelica Root and Coriander Seeds. After a given infusion time, the infusion itself is distilled thus obtaining the base on which the gin will be built. Botanicals: Grapefruit, Coriander, Black Tea, Myrtle, Raisins

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Italy

Company: Maxi Milian SRL

Distiller: Maxi Milian SRL

Alcohol Percentage: 43.0%

Gins by Maxi Milian SRL

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