
A strong, old man with dirty hands and nine fingers. That’s pappoús Andreas. A blacksmith from a small village in Greece, called Dadia. Pappoús Andreas was a hunter. Chasing wild boars, hares and deer… he loved it. In spring, pappoús went to the mountains to collect tea. He let it dry for months in his little, old barn. By summer, the whole place smelled like mountain tea. As a little boy, I spent the summers with my grandfather. Day after day I wandered around nature’s playground, exploring the mountains. But what I remember most? That smell of Greek mountain tea: minty, citrusy, and fresh. I wanted to capture that scent and memory forever. Because there is no better appetizer than gin, the result is Andreas Gin. My love for pappoús captured in a bottle. Characterized by the refined flavor of mountain tea, Andreas Gin is a well-balanced combination of Dutch craft and Greek ingredients. A fresh and spice-forward gin. Besides pappoús’ tea, our gin is distilled with 11 other botanicals and spices, such as cinnamon, clove and liquorice. Comforting flavours that my grandmother loved to use in here kitchen. Andreas Gin is handcrafted and non-chilled filtrated. This way we preserve all the distinctive, intense flavors. To keep the memory of pappoús alive, we use a light label with Andreas’ face outlined in the kettle’s steam.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Company: Andreas Gin

Distiller: Andreas Gin

Alcohol Percentage: 41%

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