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BaròGin results from research on the birth Italian gin, starting from the alchemical manuals of 1550, when wine and juniper were the basis of gin. The 7 botanicals are macerated in Barolo wine for several days before distillation in a copper still. Handcrafted in Small batch. BaròGin has a dark red color with orange reflections. Traditional Gin: Alpine juniper immediately stands out on the palate, freshness given by coriander and cardamom is perceived. Towards the end, pleasant hints of red wine. BaròGin is the gold winner of the IWSC 2022 of London.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Italy

Company: Langa Spirit srl

Distiller: Bordiga 1888

Alcohol Percentage: 43%

Gins by Langa Spirit srl

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