
In addition to the juniper that sets the tone, orange peel, lemon zest and lavender, it is two botanicals in particular that give KABUMM Gin its wonderful freshness: Elderflower and Dirndln (cornelian cherry).

While all other botanicals are macerated dry, Josef Farthofer processes these two fresh. Not only are high-quality botanicals and a first-class carrier distillate important for gin, but the alcohol content and the retention time of each botanical to be macerated are also essential for the aroma and flavour!

It took Josef Farthofer a while to find the perfect combination of fruit, spice and botanical. If he were to macerate the elderflowers, whose bushes he also cultivates in his own fields, in wheat spirit that is too spicy, for example, they would "burn". Elderflowers should also only be soaked briefly. The botanicals for KABUMM gin are macerated in wheat spirits with an alcohol content of 20 - 40% before the spirits are distilled again.

Farthofer also soaks the dirndls fresh, with the core, in wheat spirit before processing the flavoured spirit further. Their unknown, charming flavour is the secret star in KABUMM Gin.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Kabumm GmbH

Distiller: Kabumm GmbH

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

Gins by Kabumm GmbH

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