
Malaria Gin invites you to take a trip back in time. It was 1840 when the troops of the military campaigns in the East Indies were stricken by malaria. To combat this disease, soldiers resorted to quinine powder which, because of its bitterness, was combined with water and sugar in order to be consumed. But this potion needed a special ingredient to improve its flavor and give it more value to the troops: the gin. That was the origin of our current and beloved Gin Tonic. Malaria Gin pays tribute to the magic of blending ingredients to achieve history-making results. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Argentina

Company: Malaria Gin

Distiller: Malaria Gin

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

Gins by Malaria Gin

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