
No 8 Distillery's Moka Gin is a unique and innovative spirit that combines the robust flavour of Vanguard Speciality Coffee Company's coffee with the smooth and creamy flavour of Ocho Chocolate. No 8 Distillery Moka Gin is ''Your Breakfast Gin”.  Enjoy it as a refreshing sipper or create amazing cocktails with this . No 8 Distillery is proud to offer the first Moka Gin to the New Zealand market - something that is sure to be a hit with gin-lovers everywhere.

It's cold brew is crafted with a unique blend of coffee beans that have undergone a process of carbonic maceration. This process brings out a complex flavor profile, with an uplifting and well rounded coffee note, and is enhanced by the addition of Cascara, a by-product of Vanguard Specialty Coffee. The combination of the two creates a Moka Gin with a delightful depth and sweetness, making it an enjoyable and unique experience.

Ocho Chocolate chocolate husks is the last master piece, another by-product from No8 Distillery. Their commitment to sustainability is demonstrated in the use of a variety of quality by-products to craft a delicious and smooth gin. This gin is then used to create a rich chocolate profile and the mash is then returned to the local farmer as compost. This closed-loop system ensures that no waste is produced, making Ocho Chocolate the perfect spirit for those looking to enjoy a guilt-free indulgence.

Perfect Serve: Moka Gin with Fever Tree Raspberry Tonic

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: New Zealand

Company: No8 Distillery

Distiller: No8 Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 38%

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