
The Wizard Blue has a distinctive blue colour due to the effect of one of its ingredients, the flower clitorea ternatae. It is a very fruity Gin, due to blackberries, blueberries and green apples – a mix of sweet and acidic flavours, with the acid flavour prevailing at the finish. Another of its distinctive features is that the addition of tonic water or lemon creates a base-acid PH reaction which causes a change of colour. The original blue of the gin changes to the violet before your eyes, giving it the enchanting sensation of magic. Note: Only natural ingredients are used to create this colour. Over time the intensity of the colour may fade.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Portugal

Company: Cobalto Douro Lda.

Distiller: Cobalto Douro Lda.

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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