
Born from the blending of two pot stills, Bickens is a blended gin, a refined interpretation of a classic London Dry Gin. Produced in the historic Langley Distillery, one of oldest family run distilleries in England, Bickens Gin formula is distilled in the two pot stills, Angela, dating from the late 1800s, and Jenny, from 1994. Not only do they give Bickens its unique blended nature, but they also tell a story which is a tribute to the marriage of Tradition and Contemporary. Its refinement is conferred by the selection and blend of 10 botanicals sourced from around the world which give an especially nuanced character, making it a richer organoleptic experience. Bickens is characterized by juniper and citrus as primary notes, enriched with exotic roots, spices, and floral notes for an overall depth of flavour.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Italy

Company: Davide Campari-Milano S.p.A.

Distiller: Langley Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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