
The first wild garlic gin in the region – also works against witches

The Distillers Cut 13 + 1 starts in 2021 with wild garlic ( Allium ursinum ) as an additional botanical. Until well into the Middle Ages, wild garlic harvested before the Walpurgis Night was a remedy for witch magic. Only then do the witches roam the forests, take the magic of the wild garlic and let it wither. The wild garlic contained in this gin was collected with the whole Baßler family on Easter Sunday in the Rheinauen near the distillery. Long before the Walpurgis night. 

The strikingly spicy leek aromas in the gin come into their own, which is why the Distillers Cut 2021 fits perfectly with the steak from the grill. Because even if it will only be available in a strictly limited edition, it is clearly too good to collect – he wants to be drunk!

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: Destillerie FEINER KAPPLER

Distiller: Destillerie FEINER KAPPLER

Alcohol Percentage: 44%

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