
Donkey Jack gin was the first gin in the Driftwood portfolio. It’s a London dry style of gin with a strong juniper backbone that showcases the citrus elements of sweet orange peel and dried lemon zest to perfection. This is a smooth gin that forms the base for many cocktail recipes, and the tangy elements of lemon play well with vermouths making it the perfect companion for a dry martini. Donkey Jack is based on an American detective called Ken. Ken worked for 25 years in the murder and gang strike force. When asked why Ken worked for so long in a job where the worst side of human society was on show every day, his answer was “some people are just born to protect and serve!” He also introduced us to the work of Lieutenant Dave Grossman who inspired him to continue everyday.

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Company: Driftwood Distillery

Distiller: Driftwood Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 45.0%

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