
Rose Finch Gin is a traditional pink gin and a bundle of contradictions; the pale pink colour hints at sweetness, but to sip results in a smooth yet spicy taste. The floral bouquet is almost overpowering initially, yet blends seamlessly with tonics to create a light, summery gin and tonic. Rose Finch, is the ambassador who speaks of freedom to chose. Inspired by the journey that the little Rose Finch bird goes on each year, you might think that this drift migrant is free to chose her destiny. Yet by being at the mercy of the wind is she really an advocate of free choice? Is she really free to go where she wants or is she a passenger on the voyage? In the end, Rose Finch gin, our most popular gin speaks to mind-set. Are you free in your thought and actions? Do you make choice freely or are you swayed by convention and end up following the norm?

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  N/A

Country of Origin: Netherlands

Company: Driftwood Distillery

Distiller: Driftwood Distillery

Alcohol Percentage: 45.0%

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