
In every woman there is a graceful and at the same time self-confident princess. Able to judge the crown and carry on in every situation? Sure, of course! Have you already kissed one or the other frog? Happened! Danced the nights on high heels? It's a pleasure! Attention Cinderellas: We may not have the perfect shoe MADE OF glass for you, but the perfect princess feeling IN glass! neeka PRINCESS - elegant, gentle and at the same time royal flirtatious with a charming wink. Botanicals: pomegranate, juniper, lemongrass, cardamom & chamomile Translated by Google Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Dry Gin

Country of Origin: Germany

Company: neeka GmbH

Distiller: Franz Wild GbR

Alcohol Percentage: 40%

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