
O⋅Gin sparkles in the glass like a brilliant, crystal clear, with a slight bluish tinge. The palate is characterized by mild spice, rich in finesse in the play of juniper and orange aromas, delicate acidity and refined sharpness in the finish. In 2015 the O⋅Gin was awarded double gold at the China Wine & Spirits Awards. For our O⋅Gin (Organic Premium Gin) we only use organic juniper, coriander, lavender and orange peel, which grow in Italy and Croatia, as well as cubeb pepper from Indonesia. The O⋅Gin consists of 24 different herbs and spices, also called botanicals. We attach great importance to the refreshing note in the gin, which is why we use lemon and orange peel. But it must not be too pushy and must harmonize well with juniper and coriander. The cubeb pepper gives the O • Gin a fine, spicy note. The rest of the recipe remains a secret. Translated by Google

Product Details

EU Classification:  
Commonly Used:  New Western Gin

Country of Origin: Austria

Company: Destillerie Farthofer

Distiller: Destillerie Farthofer

Alcohol Percentage: 40.0%

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